Friday, October 30, 2015

The BirdBath Syndrome

A small nondescript BirdBath, I had kept in my garden. It was a nicely carved piece, made of grey granite stone, embellished with a small stone bird to encourage birds to feel enthused and use it often.

To my pleasant surprise, within few days of placing it in my balcony, refilling with water and checking now and then, a small Tit flew down, landing near it. Needless to say, she was very inquisitive; hopped around, twisted and turned her head, chirped at it, knocked it with its beak a few times; then she hopped on to it. I watched the drama unfold from a little distance. 

Sitting on its edge, she could suddenly see her own reflection! Lo and Behold, she was very happy!! when she touched the water, the ripples made her chirp louder, shriller than her usual self. Then came the time I was waiting for - she landed inside the water, tentatively. The BB was shallow and she could stand in it with her beak and eyes above the water. Then the mirth and joy she had in playing with the water was a true sight! She splashed, flapped her wings and sat on the brim. She did this again and again a few times; then preened her feathers and flew away very joyfully chirping, probably calling out to her friends  about this newly discovered hangout! Soon enough there were many of her friends and other species as well that were fond of water games. I was happy that the the birds were having fun, making good use of the accessory that I had put out thoughtfully. 

After some days, I realised that fewer birds would visit BB. It had become dull, dark and lifeless; thus unattractive to the birds. I cursed myself to have neglected it; so gave it a good scrub and put it out again with water, but to no avail. Birds almost stopped flying by, those that stopped eased themselves, rather than having fun in the water. My BB became a loner, a receptacle.

One late night, under the moonlight, I heard a faint whimper. I looked around to see if ay child of the neighbourhood was in distress, but none was visible. I would often hear the sounds, some times as clear as a sob, some times just muffled sniffs. It started disturbing me, and  I decided to take some time out and trace the source. No where inside or outside the house it was audible, except for one place in the balcony, near the carved green baluster. I went back there, and muttered to myself, "where on earth can I find the sound's source, how can I help if i can't discover it?"

After a few minutes, as I moved closer to BB, I started hearing a voice! Startled, I concentrated hard and tried to listen; "Birds come, use water, play around and leave.I am bored. I want to leave" I heard. It was my BB!! He can talk, has a soul and had feelings!!! I was quite disturbed at hearing what he said. I softly told, "sorry BB, I completely neglected you; give me some time, I will find a way".

I couldn't let him go, dump him somewhere or let someone else take away. He was mine, I liked him and his toy bird. Over the next few days, I would fill water and started observing him closely; few birds, it at least a crow would visit him and of course the eternal favourite Tit would certainly drop by. Poor BB would stand there, lifeless, like a fool watching all the fun between bird & water.
One such eventful day, the Tit and the BB had a heart to heart talk. I overheard the Tit advise my BB - instead of being an onlooker, participate! You are the main one in this, and if you don't feel, nobody can enjoy the purpose of you being here. I think my BB saw the light. 

Once it started feeling the cold water splashing on it, the birds tickling it with its feet, the rythm of birds flapping their wings in side its bowl, my the BB starts to enjoy life....

BB became bright again, and all its friends restarted visiting it, playing around and having fun!!