Sunday, December 26, 2010

Midlife crisis!

Pundits define that mid-life crisis is "described as a period of dramatic self-doubt that is felt as a result of sensing the passing of their own youth and the imminence of their old age."

You are surely facing a Mid-life crisis when:

Your hairline is inversely proportional to your waistline
You no longer splurge on anything anymore
You don't/can't  gorge on all those occassions of delicious cravings
You are more misunderstood than understood
You tend to read into something where there is nothing
Personal preferences, hobbies, take a back-seat
Discussions rapidly degenerate into Arguements
Silence means the end of an Arguement, while earlier silences would speak for themselves
Opinions take precedence over logical thinking
Credit limit on your card is directly proportional to your earnings than savings
Month-ends begin early and are long, tedious and painful
Choices revolve around what will be for dinner or best Savings plans for family
The only sweet things you hear are the cute things your kid says to you
Spice is relegated to your taste buds
Beautiful things you do are ... Blogs!!